AiPool, which is backed by ai16z founder Shaw, and Spore.fun, which has attracted much attention from the market, both use Phala Network's TEE technology to issue coins, which has once again attracted community attention to the active projects in the Polkadot ecosystem during the last bull market.
In this issue, FinTax will review the Oyster case and the Bitqyck case, using these two ICO-related tax evasion cases as examples to provide crypto investors with sober thinking about tax compliance during the meme coin craze.
【GPT】比特币突破99000美元,量子计算技术可能威胁旧钱包安全,重新定义稀缺性叙事。特朗普支持比特币储备计划引发市场关注,或成加密货币分水岭。Hashgraph Group获阿布扎比基金管理牌照,启动1亿美元Web3基金。Solana链完成首笔咖啡交易,推动农业资产代币化。比特币衍生品数据暗示价格或突破105,000美元,选举结果带动OTC交易量激增。以太坊ICO鲸鱼向Kraken存入4160枚ETH,引发市场关注。来源于MarsBit专栏作家Lawrence,火星财经
为纪念这一年的荒唐与辉煌,我们整理了一份 69 个未排名的年度最蠢时刻清单。
香港自 2022 年点燃 Web 3.0 星星之火,如今越烧越旺,已渐有燎原之势。纵观 2024 年 Web 3.0 在香港的发展,在搭建更稳定、更便利市场环境的同时,也在发挥其一直以来作为金融中心的优势。
由 a16z 领投、总融资 1.4 亿美元,作为专为知识产权(IP)设计的 Layer1,StoryProtocol 如何提供一种颠覆性的解决方案?
Goplus did not follow the mature To B business route, but differentiated itself by choosing the To C product promotion logic. It used the "360 on the chain" positioning to break the awkward positioning of security companies behind the scenes, turning security from passive to active and making it more inclusive.